
澳门赌场在线娱乐药学/护理专业 & 医疗诊所私隐惯例通知


This notice describes how medical 信息 关于你的 may be used and disclosed 以及如何获得这些信息. 请仔细审阅.

If you have any questions about this notice, please contact 私隐主任 by 电话:(570)408-4554或邮件:隐私官,澳门赌场在线娱乐,84西南 18766年宾夕法尼亚州澳门赌场在线娱乐-巴雷街.


This notice describes 澳门赌场在线娱乐药学/护理专业 and Medical Clinic (统称为“项目”)保护和使用医疗信息的做法 关于你的.


We understand that 信息 关于你的 and your health is 人al. 我们承诺 保护你的医疗信息. 我们创建了一个关怀和服务的记录 为您提供高质量的护理并遵守某些法律要求. This notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by the 项目.

This notice tells you about the ways in which we may use and disclose 信息 关于你的. It also describes your rights and certain obligations we have regarding 医疗信息的使用和披露.

法律要求我们:确保与健康相关的信息能够识别 you is kept private; give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to medical 信息 关于你的; and follow the terms of the notice 这是目前生效的.


The following categories describe the ways that we use and disclose health-related 信息. For each category of uses or disclosures we will explain what we mean 试着给出一些例子. 并不是每一个类别的使用或披露都将被列出. However, all of the ways we are permitted to use and disclose 信息 will fall 在其中一个类别内. 请注意,如果你的记录中包含心理治疗 笔记,我们不会透露任何此类心理治疗笔记除非事先获得你的 书面同意.


We may use and disclose 信息 关于你的 to provide you with medical 治疗 或服务. We may disclose 信息 关于你的 to physicians, nurses, technicians, medical students, or other 人nel who are involved in your care (For example, a therapist treating you for your brain injury may need to know if you have diabetes 因为糖尿病可能会减缓愈合过程.). 我们也可以分享医疗信息 关于你的 in order to coordinate the things you need, such as prescriptions and lab 工作. We also may disclose medical 信息 关于你的 to people outside the 项目 who may be involved in your medical care, such as family members, clergy or others 谁提供的服务是你护理的一部分.


我们可能会使用和披露有关您的信息,以便您获得治疗和服务 can be billed to and payment may be collected from you, an insurance company or a 第三方. 我们也可以 tell your health plan about a 治疗 you are going to receive to obtain prior approval or to determine whether your plan will cover the 治疗.


We may use and disclose 信息 关于你的 for normal business operations. 这些 uses and disclosures are necessary to run the 项目 and make sure that all of our patients receive quality care (For example, in the course of quality assurance and 利用审查活动,我们可以使用医疗信息来审查我们的治疗 and services and to evaluate the performance of our 人nel in caring for you.). We may disclose medical 信息 to "business associates" who provide contracted services such as accounting, legal representation, claims processing, accreditation, 和咨询. 如果我们向商业伙伴透露医疗信息,我们 这样做是否需要签订保密合同. 我们也可以结合许多病人的医疗信息来决定什么是附加的 我们应该提供的服务,不需要的服务,以及某些新的治疗方法 是有效的. 我们也可以 disclose 信息 to physicians, nurses, technicians, medical students, and other 人nel for review and learning 目的. 我们也可以 将我们的医疗信息与其他机构的医疗信息结合起来 to compare how we are doing and see where we can make improvements in the care and 我们提供的服务. 我们可能会删除识别您的信息 医疗信息,以便其他人可以使用它来研究卫生保健和卫生保健服务 还不知道具体的病人是谁.


作为治疗计划的一部分,有时医生会联系你 在我们的诊所或会员为您提供服务后,您可以通过电话澳门赌场在线娱乐的工作人员 of the pharmacy program for 目的 of customer satisfaction or the like.


The Provider may submit test results 给你 by sending you a letter in the mail with 这样的结果. The Provider may also send 这样的结果 给你r primary care doctor.

治疗方案及 与健康有关 福利及服务

我们可能会使用和披露信息来推荐或告诉您治疗方案 and health-related benefits 或服务 that may be of interest 给你.


除非您反对,否则我们可能会向您的朋友或家人发布有关您的信息 谁参与了你的医疗护理. 我们也可能向某人提供信息 帮助支付你的医疗费. 此外,我们可能会披露您的医疗信息 给一个协助救灾工作的实体,这样你的家人就可以得到通知 关于你的状况,状态和位置.


在某些情况下,我们可能会使用和披露有关您的信息用于研究 目的. All research projects are subject to a special approval process that evaluates a proposed research project and its use of medical 信息, trying to balance the research needs with patients' need for privacy of their medical 信息. 之前 我们使用或披露的信息用于研究,项目将获得批准通过 this research approval process; however, we may disclose 信息 关于你的 to people preparing to conduct a research project to help them look for patients with 特定的医疗需求,只要他们审查的信息不离开计划 办公室. When our staff conducts a research project, in which they look back at old 医疗记录中,您的个人信息不会泄露给组织外部 你的身份也不会出现在任何报告中. 如果一个研究项目是在哪里进行的 your 信息 cannot be held confidential, a separate process is in place for you 同意进行这类研究.


We may follow up your visit with us by sending to the address listed in your records a brief written survey 关于你的r satisfaction with the level of service provided 给你. In some cases, the survey may be conducted by telephone or e-mail using the 医疗记录中列出的联系信息. 在某些情况下,你的名字可能 be passed on to members of the service excellence team to investigate a complaint 或证实一件事.


We will not use patient records to market services or to engage in any marketing or 代表本计划或任何第三方的筹款努力.


We will disclose 信息 关于你的 when required to do so by federal, state or 当地的法律.


We may use and disclose 信息 关于你的 when necessary to prevent a serious threat 给你r health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another 人. Disclosures would only be to someone able to help prevent the threat.



If you are an organ donor, we may release 信息 to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation or to an organ donation 为器官或组织捐赠及移植提供便利.


如果您是武装部队的一员,我们可能会根据需要发布您的信息 军事当局. 我们也可能发布有关外国军事人员的信息 送交外国军事当局.


We may release 信息 关于你的 for 工作ers' compensation or similar programs. 这些 programs provide benefits for 工作-related injuries or illness.


We will disclose 信息 关于你的 for public health activities as required by 法律. 这些活动一般包括以下内容

  1. 预防或控制疾病、伤害或残疾;
  2. 报告出生和死亡情况; 
  3. 举报虐待或忽视儿童;
  4. 报告药物反应或产品问题;
  5. 通知人们可能正在使用的产品被召回; 
  6. 通知可能接触过某种疾病或可能有感染危险的人 or spreading a disease or condition; and
  7. 如果我们认为你是受害者,通知相应的政府部门 虐待、忽视或家庭暴力.


We will disclose 信息 to a health oversight agency for activities authorized 由法律规定. 这些监督活动包括审计、调查、检查、 和许可. 这些 activities are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, government programs, and compliance with applicable 法律s.


If you are involved in a 法律suit or a dispute, we may disclose 信息 关于你的 响应法院或行政命令. 我们还可能披露有关的信息 you in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other 法律ful process by someone 其他涉及争议的人,但前提是做出了令人满意的努力 you about the request or to obtain an order protecting the 信息 requested.


We may release 信息 if asked to do so by a 法律 enforcement official (a) in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar process; (b) to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing 人; (c) about the victim of a crime if, under certain limited 情况下, we are unable to obtain the patient agreement; (d) about a death we believe may be the result of criminal conduct; (e) about criminal conduct; and (f) in emergency 情况下 to report a crime; the location of the crime or victims; or the id实体, description or location 犯罪的那个人.


We will release 信息 to a coroner or medical examiner to identify a deceased 人或确定死亡原因. 我们也会在葬礼上发布消息 董事在必要时履行其职责.


我们可能会向授权的联邦情报官员公布有关您的信息, counterintelligence, and other national security activities authorized 由法律规定.

Protective Services for the President of the United States and others

We may disclose 信息 关于你的 to authorized Federal officials so they may 进行特别调查,并为总统或其他官员提供保护 和政要.


You have the following rights regarding the medical 信息 we maintain about 你:


You have the right to inspect and copy medical 信息 that may be used to make decisions 关于你的r care (usually, this includes medical and billing records but 不包括心理治疗笔记). 检查和复制医疗资料 may be used to make decisions 关于你的, you must submit your request in writing to 私隐主任. 如果您要求获得信息的副本,我们可能会收取费用 for the costs of copying, mailing or other supplies associated with your request. If your PHI is maintained in an electronic health record, you also have the right 要求将您的PHI的电子副本发送给您或其他个人 实体. We may charge you a reasonable cost based fee limited to the labor costs associated 传送电子健康记录.

我们可能会在某些有限的范围内拒绝您查阅和复制您的医疗信息的请求 情况下. If you are denied access to medical 信息, you may request that 拒绝接受审查. Another licensed health care professional chosen by the organization 会审查你的请求和拒绝吗. 负责审查的人不会 做一个拒绝你请求的人. 我们会遵从检讨的结果.


If you feel that medical/rehabilitation 信息 we have 关于你的 is incorrect 或不完整,您可以要求我们修改信息. 你有权提出要求 an amendment for as long as the 信息 is kept by or for the 项目.

To request an amendment, your request must be made in writing and submitted to the 联络私隐主任,地址如上文所列. 此外,你必须提供一个理由 支持你的请求.

如果您的修改请求不是书面的或不包括以下内容,我们可能会拒绝您的修改请求 支持请求的理由. 此外,如果您提出要求,我们可能会拒绝您的请求 我们需要修改信息

  1. was not created by us, unless the 人 or 实体 that created the 信息 is 不能再作出修正的;
  2. is not part of the medical 信息 kept by or for the 项目;
  3. is not part of the 信息 which you would be permitted to inspect and copy; or 
  4. 准确和完整.


你有权提出要求 an accounting (list) of certain types of disclosures 我们有关于你的医学资料. 我们不需要解释 某些披露,例如:您授权的披露、进行治疗的披露、 支付或医疗保健业务,以及向参与您护理的人员披露的信息; provided, however, that if your 信息 is maintained in an electronic health 记录,以及程序是否通过电子方式披露了您的信息 用于治疗、支付和/或医疗保健操作的健康记录 要求对前一个会计年度所披露的信息进行会计处理的权利 三年.

To request an accounting of disclosures, you must submit your request in writing to 私隐主任. 您的请求必须说明一个时间段,可能会更早 申请日期前6年(如保留资料,则为3年) 在电子健康记录中). 你的请求应该表明你想要什么形式 清单(例如,纸上的或电子的). 您请求的第一个列表 12个月的期限是免费的. 如需附加清单,我们可能会向您收取费用 提供列表. 我们会通知你有关的费用,你可以选择 to withdraw or modify your request at that time before any costs are incurred.


你有权提出要求 a restriction or limitation on our use or disclosure of 信息 关于你的 for 治疗, payment or health care operations. 你也 有权要求限制我们向他人披露的有关您的信息 who is involved in your care or the payment for your care, like a family member or friend (For example, you could ask that we not use or disclose 信息 about a surgery you had, or you could ask that 信息 关于你的 not be included in the 设备目录.).

如果您为特定项目或服务自费,您有权提出要求 that 信息 relating to such item or service not be disclosed to a health plan for 目的 of payment or health care operations, and we must honor such a request. However, we are not required to agree to other restrictions that you request. 如果我们 如同意某项限制要求,我们将遵从您的要求,除非提供资料 是否需要为您提供紧急治疗.

If you want to request a restriction, you must complete a "Request to Invoke/Revoke Restrictions on Disclosure of Protected Health Information" form available from the 程序或以书面形式向隐私官提交您的请求. 书面请求 必须包括

  1. 你想限制哪些信息;
  2. whether you want to limit our use, disclosure or both; and
  3. 你希望这些限制适用于谁(例如,向你的配偶或其他人披露) 家庭成员).


你有权提出要求 that we communicate with you in a certain way or at a certain location (For example, you can ask that we only contact you at 工作 or by 邮件).

If you want to request confidential communications, contact 私隐主任 in 书面,电话或在注册过程中. 我们不会问原因 根据您的要求. 我们将满足所有合理的要求. 你的请求必须包括 您希望被联系的地址和/或电话号码.


我们必须以头等邮件或电子邮件通知您(如果您有指示) a preference to receive 信息 by e-邮件), of any breaches of "Unsecured PHI" as soon as possible, but in no event later than 60 days following the discovery of 违反. "Unsecured PHI" is 信息 that is protected health 信息 ("PHI") and is not secured through the use of a technology or methodology identified by the 美国国务卿.S. 卫生与公众服务部 to render the PHI unusable, 未经授权的用户无法读取和解读. 如发生违约 发生的情况,我们会通知卫生署局长 & 人类服务, 如果此类违规行为影响到500人或以上,我们将通知当地媒体 以及卫生部部长 & 人类服务中心的漏洞


您有权在任何时候获得本通知的纸质副本. 你可以得到一份副本 本通告 在线 (.pdf), or at the 项目' respective office locations and service sites.


我们保留随时更改此通知的权利. 我们保留做出决定的权利 修订或变更通知对我们已经掌握的医疗信息有效 您以及我们将来收到的任何信息. 我们会发布一份 目前在各地张贴的通知,注明生效日期. 修改后的副本 此通知将在您下次访问时提供.


如果您认为您的隐私权受到侵犯,您可以向 该计划或与美国部长.S. 卫生与公众服务部. To file a complaint with the 项目, contact 私隐主任 at the address 上面列出的. 所有投诉必须以书面形式提交. 你不会被处罚 提交投诉.


本通知或相关法律未涵盖的信息的其他使用和披露 只有得到您的书面许可,我们才会向您提出申请. 如果您允许的话 若要使用或披露有关您的信息,您可以书面形式撤销该许可。 在任何时候. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer use or disclose 信息 关于你的书面授权的原因. 你懂的 在您的允许下,我们无法收回已经披露的任何信息, and that we are required to retain our records of the care that we provided 给你.


风险管理办公室 & 合规
(570) 408-6024